Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024! The New Year is finally here which means a whole new year of opportunities. Plus, the Mercury retrograde ended on January 1st so the odds are definitely at our favor right now. Curious to see what awaits for you in 2024? Luckily for you, here are copyallycat’s 2024 horoscope readings.
Welcome 2024 with arms opens as this is the year of luck, hope and inspiration for you. Aries, you are the first horoscope in the zodiac, therefore you will be dictating how things need to be run this year.
During the first quarter of the year I see you trying to shake off some fake friends who managed to follow you from last year. But don’t worry too much about it because I also see you will find yourself detoxing from the negativity around you and healing yourself.
For you, the second quarter will be all about mental health, strength and money. As the leader of the zodiac, you often carry the weight of others. Not everyone will listen to your suggestions on how to run things. And that is okay. With or without those individuals you will still progress throughout the year.
Your third quarter will be composed of changes that may impact your lifestyle and may even result in a change of scenery. I also see that there may be some delays or rejection from a loved one. This may affect your emotions a little more than you’d expect but just remember that within all these events are hidden signs. Eventually it will all make sense.
During the last quarter of the year of 2024 I see you will find yourself having a high level of spirituality and many roads will open up for you. Don’t be afraid to take these opportunities because Saint Peter and Saint Therese will accompany you.
Here is my recommendation for you. Try to cleanse yourself more often during 2024. I suggest learning about aromatherapy and try wishing upon a star. When working with the stars, you are guaranteed manifestation, love and power from mother nature.
Your lucky numbers this year are: 6, 8, and 74.
Recommendations: Limpia / Cleansing Candle Work & Deep Cleanse Roller
2024 signals moments of epiphany for you. You have entered a year that is full of luck, power and recognition for you. I know you have had a long journey and it is why this is the year for you to take action.
Your first quarter in 2024 will primarily be composed of movements and changes. In other words, you’ll often find yourself in situations you are not used to. But don’t worry. You will be okay because you will have the right company next to you.
During the second quarter of the year I see you will prioritize relaxation. Doing so will allow you to think clearer and start making money without having to lift a finger! This quarter will also be the perfect time to turn your ideas into realities. All of this will take place while you recharge your energies.
For you, the third quarter of 2024 will be Al l about wealth and collaboration. You may find yourself successfully working with other like-minded individuals who have similar goals to yours. Taurus business people will broaden their network and find themselves meeting people who will help them make more money.
Last, but certainly not least, during the last three months of 2024 Taurus individuals will find stability and most will even succeed in their home purchasing dreams. This fourth quarter will be a good time to be alone, spend more time indoors and look back at everything they have accomplished.
One of my recommendations for all Taurus is to take advantage of the fact that 2024 will be a good year for their finances. What I mean by take advantage is to take the opportunity to save money. In addition, taking care of yourself is important too. Try to always make time to work out. I would also suggest you try to be more crafty and use your intuition to show off that talent. I would also suggest trying to make some DIY spells! Remember that Saint Lawrence and Saint Elena are here for you anytime of the year.
Your lucky numbers are: 48, 67, 77
Recommendations: Open Roads Candle Work & copyallycat Victory Oil
Good news to all my Cancers. For you 2024 is your year in terms of balance and proposals. Overall you will have a good time this year. I can see you will either be signing important documents and / or shinning in anything that is work related. 2024 is your time to shine.
During the first quarter of the year I see you will find yourself with stability. There will be good changes that will ultimately enhance your work. During this quarter, you will notice some sort of balance that needs to be restored. If you were thinking of making investments. the first three months of the year may not be the best time for you. But that's what the second quarter is here for.
For you, the second quarter of 2024 is all about investments aka what you couldn't do before. There is also a lot of sharing quality time with your loved ones. As for all my witch cancers, this is the time to either create an altar or upgrade your current one into a more spacious one for your ancestors to visit you.
The third quarter of the year will consist of achievements you have been wanting to reach and getting to places you've been dreaming of. It is also a good time to be creative with your spirituality and overall work. If you are debating about moving forward with big plans, such as selling a home, this will be a good time to do so.
Last but not least, the last quarter of the year is all about staying alone and charging your feminine energies so you can utilize it for stronger intuition. Cancer is all about intuition and being the number one teachers. Remember to take time out of your day to momentarily let go of everything and meditate.
Another quick reminder, Saint Martin and Saint Francis are here for you and they will be by your side throughout the year.
This year's lucky numbers for you: 3, 56, 68
Recommendations: Salud Express Candle Work & Spiritual Spell
Lucky you! 2024 is practically the perfect year for you. You are one of the luckiest horoscope of this year. For you 2024 will be all about strategies and making money.
For you, the first quarter of the year will deal a lot with being persistent and simply trying to make ends meet. However, that won’t dominate your first three months of the year. I also see a lot of company and celebration which will help you cope with your work environment. During this quarter it will be better for you to be surrounded with people versus being alone.
The second quarter of the 2024 is all about taking action and easily having a double income. Money is super important, and during this quarter I see you will not have to stress about anything else. All you have to do is sit there and look your best.
The third quarter of the year is a time for positive mentality and debating what else to do with your life. For all my witchy Gemini friends, this will be a good time to work with Archangel Michael. Try to get to know him and watch how with his sword he will unfold your journey.
As for the fourth quarter, I see a lot having to do with marriage and finding true love. It will be a good time for harmony and for peace.
Throughout the year, I recommend making and keeping a vision board on how you’re going to implement a lot of those ideas you have lingering in your head. Having a journal is definitely a must for you! For you, this year will teach you the important lesson about getting rid of unnecessary clothes/object and decluttering. This will help you recharge your energies.
Your lucky numbers: 1,4, 8
Recommendations: Go Away | Breakup Candle Work & Good Eye Roller
Let's openly welcome 2024 which will be the year of goals, responsibility, justice and gains for you. It will be the perfect time to make money and work with others who have a similar job to yours and who work near you. Always remember to stay positive. This means saying positive affirmations out loud, listening to and singing positive music, and even reading positive things. And one more thing ... try spending more time with mother nature. Allow it to heal your inner wounds and watch how she will give you abundance.
The first quarter of the year is about being clever and efficient with the money you have now. This money will come and go throughout the first months but it will ultimately help you advance to the second quarter of the year. Make sure to keep an eye out during the next three months. Be careful with those trying to befriend you. A lot of them want to be 'friends' with you because you have something they want, not because they truly want to be there for you. Try to be patient and think things thoroughly before saying “yes” to anything.
For the second quarter of the year, you may find yourself acting' selfish'. But don't worry. That’s simply your power and manifestation turning into reality. You will also find yourself receiving help and advice from a good friend ... yes, the one good friend you have been waiting for and manifesting.
The third quarter of the year is about signing important contracts and/or winning lawsuits. At this point you may be thinking you've made a lot of money, but during this quarter you may find the way to make triple the amount of money you made last year and during the previous months of the year. And don't worry about your money. Saint Michael will be there to protect you and your assets.
I can see the fourth quarter of the year will be your resting period. This will also be the time when you may finally find the ideal partner you have been asking for. Whatever qualities you want are the qualities you will find in this person.
Lucky numbers: 66, 74, 88
Recommendations: Money Drawing Candle Work & Sandalwood Protection
My dear Leos, buckle up because you are now heading towards the moon. What I mean by that is that I see you will have a stronger intuition and will be making bigger movements in life. You are the lion associated with the sun and the star is shifting into something different.
For you, the first quarter of the year signals a time of sacrifices and letting go of any attachments you have towards things or people who no longer serve a purpose in your life. I see a lot of transitions which will be a good thing for you. So don’t worry too much as I don’t see any of these transitions as something negative.
The second quarter of the year is full of victory. For those of you who are waiting on important documents or court battles, this quarter will be your time for victories and breakthroughs. As the ferocious lion you truly are, you need to utilize your anger and turn it into an action. I see that the Aquarius next to you will be there to help you turn your positive mentality into a reality.
The third quarter of the year will be a time for harmony and marriage. If you are waiting to get married to your ideal partner, this is the perfect time of the year to do so. Try to sleep in a little bit more as this will help you recharge your energy.
At this point you may be wondering if there will be any money for you this year. Luckily the answer is yes. And this will happen more towards the end of the year when the planets stop acting up. Try to not stress out about money. Either way you are going to be able to gain it back throughout the last two quarters of the year.
I suggest you start your finance planning early in the year so you can have money to spend during the year. Here is a little hint, try to go see movies all year long and enjoy some movie popcorn. You will need some darkness in your life but don’t worry too much because you are a sun.
As I mention, the moon is now with you meaning you may have a different kind of light that perhaps you’re not used to. Just remember patience is key.
This year's lucky numbers: 2, 6, 48
Recommendations: Coyote Court Case Candle Work & Aphrodite Handmade Soap
Hello 2024! This is your lucky year as you’ll be making better decisions when it comes to your love life, collaborations and money.
Let me start off by telling you that during the first quarter of the year you will have some moments where not everything is colorful. The good thing is that at the end of the day you define the way how you want to live it. I suggest wearing more color purple when you attend important meetings or when you have to make decisions.
Your need to make decisions transitions into the second quarter of 2024. I see you will hit a period when you may feel loss. But that’s just a momentarily feeling and let me tell you it is not the end. Quite the contrary, this is your spiritual path awakening. Keep in mind that for you the color purple represents “spirituality”. Just don’t freak out if you feel somewhat lost. The way I see it, this is an uncertain journey for you but just know the outcome will be positive.
The third quarter is the perfect time for transformation, which I know a lot of you are not used. I also see long-distance relationships and/or traveling far away. The way I see it, this is mandatory because you are an earth element and you need to walk on what God created. Many of you will have the strength to exercise a positive mentality. And if you prepare this on the third quarter of the year; by the end of the year, you will be able to feel freedom and the positive outcomes of these changes.
For the last three months of the year, I see there will be lots of new relationships, new found freedom and even the path you dreamed of being in. You have done a lot to get to this point and now it is finally time to experience new journeys you are not used to.
Here’s a little recommendation, listen to music and get creative with your hands. Doing so will help you with your spiritual path.
Your lucky numbers are 4, 16 and 27.
Recommendations: Petition Wishes Candle Work & Garden of Eden Roller
It is time to turn things around this 2024. For you, this year is meant to be as powerful as a battery. As a Libra you already have tremendous energy and soon you are going to be able to turn that energy into tangible accomplishments. It is time to stop being in the middle and finally rise to the top of everything.
During the first quarter of the year, you are going to feel all the luck and fortune heading your way. This will be very beneficial for you, and it will roll over for the second quarter of the year.
During these first six months you will feel a sensation of completeness. As a result, it will also be a perfect time to spend quality moments with your family. I can already see lots of traveling and family gatherings since you will have all the money that you need. Not everyone is as lucky as you and starts the new year with luck.
If you’ve been waiting to find ‘the right one’, then the third quarter will be your favorite. I see that your ideal partner is heading your way. I also see lots of marriage showing up in your life path. Consider yourself lucky because not everyone can experience this in their life. Here’s a little hint, if you do get together with this special someone, try to go dancing or work out together. You will need to exercise that energy.
For you, the fourth quarter of the year is the time to save every penny and salvage any relationships. You sometimes act like a hardheaded airhead and that will jeopardize a lot of your relationships. You need to understand that not everyone can keep up with your energy. At the end of the day you are a balance beam and you need to try to balance your life or else you might end up alone.
Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 48
Recommendations: Make Me Rich Express Candle Work & Money Roller
Quick reminder that patience is key. A lot of you Scorpios need to understand that not everything will come to you at the very beginning of the year. Most of you already did your New Year Rituals yet some of you have not been able to experience the luck just yet. But this is normal. Trust me, your time will come.
The months of January, February, and March are all about reflection, accountability, and spending some more time alone. Scorpios need to exercise the brain in countering back bad energies. Understand that you have intuition that needs to be established. Put your foot down and learn to say 'no'. If you keep agreeing to everything you will find yourself doing things you truly don't want to.
2024 is a year of destructions and reality checks, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the year is targeting you. It simply means that you have the opportunity to use this year's energy to overpower and dominate people. Not everyone has that kind of skill ... and yes! you can utilize that strength to make more money.
Take good care of your health and have more compassion for others people. Not everyone deserves to experience the negative side of you. Try to drink (more) tea and watch how it will heal you.
For you the last remaining three months of the year will be a good time for success, ambition and positive changes.
This year's lucky numbers for you: 5, 7, and 99
Recommendation: Peace Candle Work & Back Off Spray
It is time to take a chill year since you are the lucky one who is going to experience abundance all year long. You will not have to worry about a single thing because every single month you are going to be receiving exciting news.
During the first half of the year I see lots of job opportunities and wealth practically knocking on your door. Listen to some positive music and watch how that will bring you manifestation and affirmations. Get away from any depressive music or negative people because it’s not going to help you achieve your goals. You are independent and should stay independent. This is your year for transformation. You will no longer repeat the same toxic patterns from 2023.
I recommend you keep a journal all year and do your best to write positive affirmations daily . You will have moments where you may feel stuck when writing daily but I don’t want you to get off track. Write your feelings, write your goals. Everything will come true.
I recommend you be straightforward and aggressive with your words. You are notorious for being firm and keeping this trait will lead you to the path you are meant to be walking.
Lucky numbers: 32, 81, 56
Recommendation: Domination Candle Work & Block Buster Oil
My dear Capricorns, I suggest you get your mental health checked this year and stop your procrastination habits. This is the year for healing and getting medically checked. You are going to be fragile and will be spending more time indoors during the first months of the year.
For the beginning of the year, it is a good time to get away from toxic people and simply taking breaks. For a long period of time, you have been working nonstop. Now that we are in 2024 it is time to prioritize yourself and be more serious about your health.
Time flies by and humans can't be young forever. You may want to start preparing now versus leaving everything for the last minute. Go see a doctor and go see a therapist go get everything checked. By doing this, you will be able to start new projects outside your home during the second half of the year.
The earth is not flat, so take the time to walk and exercise. A healthy body will work well with a healthy brain. And you need your brain for manifestation purposes. Here's a little hint, use your brain to manifest money.
Tarva the year you will have moments that needs to be addressed. This is a year of having to confront things and no longer sweeping it under the rug. As God’s lucky horoscope, just know that God would always challenge you and a way to see if y’all fate is still strong.
Lucky numbers for you: 66,74, and 88
Recommendation: Health Candle Work & Goodbye Black Magic Spray
Pisces get your wallet ready because money is about to pour all over you. For a long period of time you have suffered multiple unlucky events. Luckily for you 2024 is a year of luck.
During the beginning of the year, Pisces are going to be able to flip things around . Even though you are a water element and a fish, you will have the need to get in touch with the earth. Ground yourself and have that vision of the finance plan. Pisces are usually all about intuition, but this is the year that you all are going to be making a change in the horoscope.
Just like the Leos, Pisces will be associated with the moon. In other words, you are going to be associated with earth. It’s something new and different. You are known for swimming from place to place, but let me give you this heads up. This year you are going to be much more lonelier. I know fishes travel but right now it is your moment to be alone to do things on your own.
This year will be filled by transitions but that's okay. You will be okay.
Your lucky numbers: 41, 55 and 96
Recommendation: Rompe Bloque Candle Work & Money Soap (Handmade)